Hand injury Kennewick

Protecting your hands and fall sports

A hand injury while participating in fall sports is an important subject this time of year. With the arrival of fall the kids are now well into a new school year, the air is getting cooler and fall sports are under way. As a result, we are seeing a fair number of hand and finger injuries at Tri-City Orthopaedics which are common this time of year. These range from mild strains to ligament injuries and fractures. Many of these injuries can be treated successfully with conservative treatments. Others may need more aggressive treatments including surgery.

Finger sprains are also often referred to as a “jammed finger.” Depending on the severity of a “jammed finger,” symptoms may include:

  • Pain and immediate swelling
  • Bruising and pain during activity
  • Impaired function
  • Deformity
  • Stiffness and difficulty during gripping activity

Proper hand function depends on a balanced interplay between bone, tendon, ligament, muscle, artery and nerve structures. This allows us to throw a perfect spiral, serve an ace, make a diving fingertip catch or even do some homework. Suspected injuries should be seen promptly so that the right treatment can be prescribed. At Tri-City Orthopaedics we provide specialized hand care to get you back in the game.